Wednesday, April 8, 2015


small leather sketchbook

It's a little late for Easter, but in keeping with the blossoming of spring.  I'll soon have a little more time for in-depth drawing; this was another thirty-minute sketch.

Monday, April 6, 2015

At Dusk

"At Dusk"
graphite and camera filter
small leather sketchbook
I've been very busy lately, mainly because I've begun riding and working with horses again, but I took thirty minutes to do this sketch.  It's been staying lighter and lighter out when I leave work, and I love to watch the changing atmosphere as I drive to the barn and then to home.  Sunset (and sunrise) never loses its magic for me.  I especially like tree limbs silhouetted against the gloaming sky.  This piece ended up with a slightly melancholy feel to it- the barren branches, the thin horse- but it could also be hopeful, as the growing season finally begins.  Things could look up for this pair yet, and I guess that's really what I'm getting at.  I'm working on an old rescue horse, hoping that we can fill her out again and make her suitable for light riding, and while I'm sometimes looked at askance for not choosing a fancier, younger, stronger animal- I believe in this horse, and I believe that we can develop a good relationship and improve both of our qualities of life.